Budgeting for Management Committee Members

If accounting is the looking back at what has been spent and what income we received, then budgeting in this webinar is about Management Committee/Board members looking forward, thinking at least from a finance perspective, about what might be possible. Often, we can view budgets as a necessary evil. Something Management Committee/Board members must do but isn’t grounded into the reality of trying to run a not-for-profit with limited income and growing expenses.

Budgeting is one of a range of management tools that done well is an important reflection of your organisation’s programs, activities, mission, and strategic intent. During this webinar we’ll look at 10 things that can minimise the risk of being faced with nasty surprises and to provide a floor for your program planning.

Member Price
NC members and CRC Package = FREE
CRC Members and Associate members = $20
Online via Zoom
17/06/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
W. Australia Standard Time
Registration not available.

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