Centre Showcase: Reimagining your Centre

Inspired by kindness and hope, and wanting to create a space where everyone is truly welcome, join the Milligan team to hear about the journey of reimagining their Centre. 

After realising that they were no longer having the impact and connection with their community that they once did, they shut the doors for 6 months for a period of deep consultation and conversations, and reimagined what their Centre could be. Fuelled by lots of coffee, they grew out of that time to open their doors again as a revamped connection hub for services, groups, individuals, and anyone in between. 

While continuing to adapt to the needs of the community, they endeavour to create playful and fun ways to encourage connection between people and build a sense of belonging. Join us to hear the story of their vibrant community, and reimagine ways that you can encourage connection and foster a genuinely inclusive and welcoming space in your community.  

Member Price
Online via Zoom
22/08/2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
W. Australia Standard Time
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