Welcome to the CoDesign for Thriving Communities blog!


“Conversations, connections, and creating opportunities for success…”

Posted on 9/09/2019
As part of a preparation for a recent ‘ABCD of Community Engagement’ training session, we caught up with guest presenter Sam Williams, at the Yangebup Family Centre....


Art of Participatory Community Building

Posted on 18/06/2019
Recently, Linkwest took part in offering a 3-day regional training on The Art of Participatory Community Building.


Enabling Gifts

Posted on 14/12/2018
Every single person has capacities, abilities and gifts. Living a good life depends on whether those capacities can be used, abilities expressed and gifts given....


Global ABCD Festival 2019

Posted on 10/12/2018
Every single person has capacities, abilities and gifts. Living a good life depends on whether those capacities can be used, abilities expressed and gifts given....


Welcome to the ABCD of Thriving Communities' Blog

Posted on 27/06/2018
We hope you'll find inspiration, resources and connection for strengths-based community engagement, co-design, and asset based community development. We'll be adding to it over time, and would love to include your stories, resources, tips and questi


Linkwest Co-Design Cafe

Posted on 25/06/2018
As part of our Co-Design for Thriving Communities Project, Linkwest is taking steps toward the co-design of its own service model...


The Linkwest Team

Posted on 25/06/2018
Greatness happens daily, the impossible takes a little longer...