Closed Grant Opportunities

Grants where the deadline for submission has already passed.

100 Women Grants

100 Women awards grants of up to $50,000 to organisations that advance the safety, health, education and economic freedom of women and girls.

Closed: 8/05/2024

100 Women
DGR status required? No

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2022–23 Volunteer Grants

Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promoting awareness to increase participation in volunteering. Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations support the efforts of their volunteers. Small portable equipment purchases, contributions towards the cost of training volunteers, reimbursement of fuel costs for volunteers and undertaking background screening checks for volunteers are examples of what grant funding can assist with. EOIs with your Federal MP are now open, and they will need to nominate your Centre to be able to apply for a grant.

Closed: 7/10/2022

Department of Social Services
DGR status required? No

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2023–24 Volunteer Grants

The 2023–24 Volunteer Grants Opportunity is open for Expressions of Interest (EOI) through Members of Parliament (MPs). If you are interested in a grant must contact your local federal MP to submit an EOI and confirm when their EOI closes. Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations support the efforts of their volunteers. Examples of what grant funding can assist with include small portable equipment purchases, contributions towards the cost of training volunteers, reimbursement of fuel costs for volunteers and undertaking background screening checks for volunteers.

Closed: 28/09/2023

Department of Social Services
DGR status required? No

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Age-Friendly Communities Connectivity Grants Program

The Age-friendly Communities Connectivity Grants Program supports projects that assist people to reduce social isolation and that enhance their connection within their local communities. A major barrier for seniors ageing well is ageism. Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others based on our age. Projects, programs, events and activities that challenge ageism are encouraged. Grants of up to $15,000 per project are available for local governments and incorporated not-for-profit community organisations to implement age-friendly, active and positive ageing, and other seniors-related strategies that focus on challenging ageism, reducing loneliness and improving older people's connections within their local community.

Closed: 19/07/2023

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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ANZ Seeds of Renewal

ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia. Grants of up to $15,000 are available to community organisations for initiatives that support environmental sustainability, financial wellbeing, housing access or that help their communities to thrive. It is built on two key tenets: - Vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive with strong social capital, where everyone can participate and build a better life; and - Sustainable communities innovate, expand, and create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term economic benefit to the community, contributing to economic sustainability.

Closed: 10/08/2022

DGR status required? No

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ATCO Communities Fund

ATCO Communities Fund allows eligible community groups and not for profit organisations to apply for sponsorships of up to $10,000 to assist with local community initiatives, events or projects that foster Healthy, Sustainable and Prosperous Communities. Groups/organisations from across Australia are eligible to apply, however priority will be given to those groups with projects and initiatives within the local area in which ATCO is developing, constructing, or operating projects.

Closed: 15/12/2023

DGR status required? No

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auDA Foundation Digital Inclusion grants

The auDA Foundation offers grants for proposals encouraging community projects, education and research activities that will enhance the utility of the internet for the benefit of the Australian community. Eligible proposals must deliver grassroots, educational or research activities that will enhance the utility of the internet. They are keen to support projects that focus on the overarching themes of digital inclusion and digital innovation, and will achieve practical outcomes through innovative means.

Closed: 2/10/2023

auDA Foundation
DGR status required? No

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Aurizon Community Giving Fund

Aurizon Community Giving Fund provides grants of up to $20,000 for initiatives and projects aimed to improve the health and wellbeing, community safety, the environment and education in local communities in which Aurizon operates and their employees reside. DGR status is required.

Closed: 27/10/2023

DGR status required? Yes

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Australia Day 2023 Community Events Grants

In 2023, the National Australia Day Council (NADC) – with the support of the Federal Government – will provide $7.6 million to fund local Australia Day events. Australia Day event hosts can apply for up to $20,000 to deliver events that use the NADC’s ‘Reflect. Respect. Celebrate. We’re all part of the story’ branding and is inclusive of all Australians. Applicants that collaborate with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to incorporate activities that reflect and respect the history of local Indigenous people and celebrate their culture will be eligible to apply for an additional amount of up to $10,000.

Closed: 7/11/2022

National Australia Day Council (NADC)
DGR status required? No

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Australia Post Community Grants Program

Australia Post Community Grants support projects that connect people and improve mental wellbeing in local communities. Local community groups create positive change in countless people’s lives. To help them deliver for their communities, we award Community Grants of up to $10,000 each year to fund community led, local projects.

Closed: 2/07/2023

Australia Post
DGR status required? No

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Back to School (BTS) Program

Back to School (BTS) is a national program that helps remote and rural children and young people access quality educational experiences. Working through local community organisations who act as Back to School partners, the program provides $50 digital gift vouchers to students in need redeemable at Target, Kmart or local retailers. The vouchers can be used for items such as school uniforms, clothing, shoes, school bags and stationery – or anything that helps students feel ready to learn. Thanks to a generous donation, this round they are also offering $100 vouchers redeemable for educational technology such as tablets / iPads, calculators, IT peripherals (headphones, keyboards, mouse, printers, portable drives, USB hubs), or internet data for completion / submission of school work. Note: This grant provides the vouchers, but you will have to administer the program at your own cost.

Closed: 27/10/2023

DGR status required? No

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Be Connected Capacity Building grant

Train your staff or volunteers to become awesome digital mentors. Capacity Builders get $50,000 funding, professional development training from us PLUS free resources to train and support digital mentors in your community.

Closed: 26/05/2023

Be Connected Network
DGR status required? No

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Better Beginnings Family Literacy Community Grants

The Better Beginnings Family Literacy Community Grants are for Western Australian community groups, centres and libraries that help promote literacy in 0-5 year olds. Any organisation with programs and ideas encouraging families to ‘read, talk, sing, write and play with their child every day’ is welcome to apply. Micro Grants from $5,000 to $10,000 will be available for small projects, and Innovation Grants from $10,001 to $30,000 will be available for larger programs or initiatives.

Closed: 29/09/2023

State Library of Western Australia
DGR status required? No

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Building Digital Communities Grant

Help Good Things Foundation build more connected communities to reach everyone in need of free digital skills support. $3,000 grants will be awarded to deliver the program from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024.

Closed: 17/11/2023

Good Things Foundation Australia and Bendigo Bank
DGR status required? No

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CANA Small Grants Program

Climate Action Network Australia are providing grants from $500 - $10,000 to fund projects that enable diverse communities to lead on, participate in and speak for action on climate change. The program prioritises organisations and projects with a climate justice approach to their work.

Closed: 8/10/2023

Climate Action Network Australia
DGR status required? No

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Carers Week Activity Grants

Carers WA, supported by Lotterywest, is offering not-for-profit organisations and community groups the opportunity to apply for a Community Activity Grant to participate in National Carers Week by hosting an activity (or event) in WA. Regional or remote organisations, together with those supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or culturally and linguistically diverse carers, will be prioritised and encouraged to apply. Grants offered will be of $500, $700 or $800 each (excluding GST), pending the number of expected carers attending.

Closed: 4/08/2023

Carers WA
DGR status required? No

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CBF Community Radio Grants

Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) have grants available to support Content (including Specialist Programming) and Development & Operations grants .

Closed: 7/03/2023

Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF)
DGR status required? No

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Charge Up Workplace EV Charging Grants

Charge Up Workplace Grants are designed to make it easier and more cost effective for small to medium enterprises, not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities to install EV charging equipment at their workplace. The EV chargers can be installed in the car park at your workplace to be used by employees or visitors.

Closed: 31/07/2023

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)
DGR status required? No

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Charge Up Workplace EV Charging Grants

Charge Up Workplace EV Charging Grants are designed to make it easier and more cost effective for small to medium enterprises, not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities to install EV charging equipment at their workplace. The EV chargers can be installed in the car park at your workplace to be used by employees or visitors.

Closed: 3/05/2024

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
DGR status required? No

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Children’s Week Community Grants Program

The Children’s Week community grants program is designed to encourage not for profits, community organisations, and local governments in regional and remote WA to celebrate Children’s Week and host their own events. Grants of up to $1000 are available.

Closed: 31/08/2023

DGR status required? No

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Community Child Care Fund - Disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant

The Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant provides funding to services to help them stay open and increase the number of children in care. This grant opportunity is available to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approved services that meet eligibility criteria in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Closed: 8/03/2024

Department of Education
DGR status required? No

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Community Falls Prevention Grant

Applications are now open for Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body grants for the delivery of community-based falls prevention projects in WA throughout March to May 2024. The Move Your Body campaign and grants focus on important information for older adults to build their strength and balance to prevent falls and promote healthy ageing. Grants of up to $5,000 (plus GST) are available and will fund projects running between 1 March and 31 May 2024.

Closed: 27/10/2023

Move Your Body campaign
DGR status required? No

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Community Gardens Grants Program

Grants of up to $10,000 are available to assist with the planning, development and implementation of community garden projects across Western Australia. The grants program aims to encourage community members to participate in community life more actively; connect with the environment and other people within their community; implement and develop their skills; and to give back to the community.

Closed: 14/07/2023

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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Community Language Schools Grants Program

The Australian Government is inviting applications through a demand driven process to deliver services under the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program – Community Language Schools Grants Program from 2023–24 to 2024–25. The program will enable Community Language Schools (CLS) to expand the delivery of language to more school-aged children, including pre-schoolers.

Closed: 9/10/2023

Department of Home Affairs
DGR status required? No

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Community Led Climate Solutions Grant Program

These grants of up to $20,000 for not-for-profit organisations across remote, rural and regional Australia will fund a range of initiatives that can help by achieving one of the following objectives: 1. Drive engagement, education, and leadership in remote, rural, and regional climate solutions; 2. Activate locally-led opportunities to advance: the clean energy transition, climate adaptation, decarbonisation, or circular economies; 3. Support just transitions to clean energy economies to help communities thrive.

Closed: 30/11/2023

DGR status required? No

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Community Litter Grants

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for major initiatives or regional projects, and grants of up to $5,000 are available for local area projects. The grants provide financial assistance for action and education on litter prevention. Local government authorities, community groups, small to medium sized enterprises and schools are eligible to apply for the grants, which must be for projects in the public domain.

Closed: 22/05/2023

Keep Australia Beautiful
DGR status required? No

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Community Litter Grants

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for initiatives that address litter. The grants provide financial assistance for action and education on litter prevention with a total of $60,000 available.

Closed: 20/05/2024

Keep Australia Beautiful WA
DGR status required? No

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Community Participation and Inclusion Program

The Community Participation and Inclusion Program provides funding for projects that support social inclusion and access to arts and culture in regional Western Australia.

Closed: 25/01/2023

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC)
DGR status required? No

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Community Stewardship Grants

These grants are designed to facilitate the conservation and sustainable management of the State’s natural resources by supporting local community groups to undertake stewardship of natural resources in their local area. Small grants of between $1,000 and $50,000 are available for short term projects, with large grants of between $50,000 and $450,000 available for longer term activities.

Closed: 20/05/2024

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
DGR status required? No

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Community Trail Planning Grants Program

Through the Community Trail Planning Grants Program, nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers and lovers of the WA landscape can bring to life ideas for new trail experiences with grants of up to $50,000 for new community-led trail projects in Western Australia.

Closed: 11/03/2024

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
DGR status required? No

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Community Training Grants

The Community Training Grant provides training up to the value of $3,000 for organisations and up to $4,000 for individuals that can be used to fund participation on a selection of training courses offered by Australian Institute of Management WA.

Closed: 13/12/2023

Australian Institute of Management WA
DGR status required? No

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Community Tree Grants

The Trees for Bees Community Tree Grants support the planting of bee-friendly trees in extended gardens, community-owned land, school grounds, sporting club precincts and urban corridors. The program provides funding to community groups and organisations to increase vital habitat, providing spaces for bees to forage, live and breed. Grants of $500 are available.

Closed: 31/07/2023

Wheen Bee Foundation
DGR status required? No

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Dementia Directory Grants

Linkwest is excited to be working with WA Primary Health Alliance to increase awareness of dementia services and supports in WA. We invite applications from Neighbourhood Centre or CRC Package Members for a one off grant of $2000 (inc GST) to collect and collate information about dementia services in your region and return them to Linkwest in the agreed format. Linkwest has funding to engage five member Centres to provide updates of the information at three points between June 2024 and May 2025.

Closed: 27/05/2024

Linkwest and WA Primary Health Alliance
DGR status required? No

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Digital Devices grant

$5,000 Digital Devices Grant help community organisations build a device loan library to help the people they support to stay connected at home (or on the move). You will be provided with the funds, how to resources and support guide. You will distribute the devices you purchase with free data to people over 50 in your community who need access to a short term smartphone, tablet or computer to keep learning at home.

Closed: 10/10/2022

Be Connected Network
DGR status required? No

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Digital Sisters program

Join Good Things Foundation's new digital inclusion program for refugee and migrant women. The program aims to empower women to build digital skills, confidence and connections in the Australian community. Apply for a $20,000 grant to get involved.

Closed: 21/07/2023

Good Things Foundation
DGR status required? No

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End of Life Planning Capacity Grants

Up to 15 grants of $5,000 or $10,000 excluding GST are available. Linkwest is excited to be working with WA Primary Health Alliance and Palliative Care WA to promote and enable people to be proactive in their end of life planning. We invite applications from Neighbourhood Centre or CRC Package Members for a one-off grant that will enable them to prioritise time and resourcing to community activities and initiatives related to Advance Care Planning and use of My Health Record, between July 2024 and June 2025.

Closed: 19/07/2024

Linkwest, WA Primary Health Alliance, Palliative
DGR status required? No

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Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

The grant opportunity provides small and medium businesses up to $25,000 to replace or upgrade existing equipment to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.

Closed: 19/04/2023

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)
DGR status required? No

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ETREA Foundation Grants

ETREA Foundation Grants aim to offer financial support, build collaborative relationships and networks with organisations committed to supporting and teaching those in need the tools and skills to rebuild their lives. Please make sure to contact the grant giver before starting your application to confirm your project's and your Centre's eligibility.

Closed: 30/09/2023

ETREA Foundation
DGR status required? No

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E-waste Infrastructure Grants Round 2

Grants are available for projects which either: support facilities to collect, manage and store e-waste, before reuse or onward reprocessing; or focus on reprocessing and recycling, including assisting businesses to purchase and install relevant equipment.

Closed: 29/03/2024

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
DGR status required? No

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Falls Prevention Community Grants

Improve Your Health is one part of the Move Improve Remove messaging used to encourage older adults to stay active, independent, and prevent falls. An individual’s diet, medication intake, and cognitive ability can influence an individual’s falls risk and maintaining overall health and wellbeing is essential for healthy ageing. Improve Your Health looks at simple changes which can improve a person’s health and wellbeing, focusing on the following modifiable risk factors for falls. Grants up to $5,000 (plus GST) are available and will fund projects running between 1 March and 31 May 2023.

Closed: 14/10/2022

Improve Your Health - Stay On Your Feet
DGR status required? No

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Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants

The Department of Communities is offering one-off grant funding through the Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants Program 2024/2026 for eligible organisations to deliver activities in their region, over a period of two years, that work towards the prevention of violence against women and their children.

Closed: 7/05/2024

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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Festivals Australia Grant

Organisations can apply for funding to support arts and cultural projects that encourage community participation and audience engagement from people living in regional and remote communities in a festival or community celebration.

Closed: 18/03/2024

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications an
DGR status required? No

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First Nations Playgroups

The First Nations Playgroups grant opportunity will provide funding to support Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to deliver playgroups in their communities. By working closely with other community services, playgroups can contribute to improved effectiveness of service delivery in their respective communities and support the achievement of improved outcomes for First Nations children and families.

Closed: 17/04/2024

Department of Social Services
DGR status required? No

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FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation grants

The FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grant program helps communities take action on ideas generated by young Australians on issues that matter to regional, remote and rural youth. The Heywire Project Ideas are developed annually at the Heywire Summit in Canberra. Grants of up to $10,000 are available for communities across Australia to adopt, adapt and act on these ideas within their own community.

Closed: 7/06/2023

Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR)
DGR status required? No

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FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation grants

The FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grant program helps communities take action on ideas generated by young Australians on issues that matter to regional, remote and rural youth. The Heywire Project Ideas are developed annually at the Heywire Summit in Canberra. Grants of up to $10,000 are available for communities across Australia to adopt, adapt and act on these ideas within their own community.

Closed: 29/05/2024

DGR status required? No

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Future2 Make the Difference! Grants

Through the annual Make the Difference! Grants program, Future2 supports Australians experiencing social, financial, or physical hardship by offering one-year grants of up to $10,000 for community programs that help Australians in need. Applications must be endorsed by a financial services professional and should demonstrate a genuine association between the cause and endorser.

Closed: 10/09/2023

DGR status required? No

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Get Online Week event grants

Get Online Week event grants are offered by Good Things Foundation Australia through the Be Connected program. The $1,000 grants are available for organisations registered as part of Good Things Foundation's Be Connected Network to host Get Online Week events for their community.

Closed: 12/08/2022

Good Things Foundation Australia
DGR status required? No

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Get Online Week Event grants

Get Online Week Event grants help community organisations host a digital skills event during Get Online Week (16-22 October 2023) Get Online Week events give people the chance to find the local support they need to improve their digital skills and get motivated to learn more. The grants support community organisations to host these events by covering some of the costs involved. Get Online Week grants are $1,000 and available to organisations registered as part of our Be Connected Network.

Closed: 11/08/2023

Good Things Foundation
DGR status required? No

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Grass Roots Community Grants

CBH’s Grass Roots Community Grants provide financial assistance to grain growing communities for projects which contribute to the health and vitality of their community. Types of projects funded: - Community-related events (Maximum funding limit: $5,000) - Small scale infrastructure projects (Maximum funding limit: $10,000)

Closed: 28/02/2023

CBH Group
DGR status required? No

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Grass Roots Community Grants

CBH’s Grass Roots Community Grants provide financial assistance to grain growing communities for projects which contribute to the health and vitality of their community. Types of projects funded: - Community-related events (Maximum funding limit: $5,000) - Small scale infrastructure projects (Maximum funding limit: $10,000)

Closed: 31/08/2023

CBH Group
DGR status required? No

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Harmony Week 2023 grants

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is offering grants of $2,000 to support community-led activities promoting and celebrating multiculturalism in Western Australia for inclusion in its Harmony Week 2023 campaign. Activities should involve culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in their coordination and be open to participation from the broader community. Activities with a focus on culture and arts and sport and active recreation are encouraged in this funding round.

Closed: 10/10/2022

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC)
DGR status required? No

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Harmony Week 2024 grants

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is offering grants of $2,000 to support community-led activities promoting and celebrating multiculturalism in Western Australia for inclusion in its Harmony Week 2024 campaign. Activities should involve culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in their coordination and be open to participation from the broader community.

Closed: 13/11/2023

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC)
DGR status required? No

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Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative

Through this initiative, with the Australian Government’s support, we’re investing in the future, enabling agriculture-dependent communities to identify and act on their drought preparedness priorities at a grassroots level. It will do this by investing in projects that seek to strengthen social and community networking, support, engagement and wellbeing by delivering a tailored package of support that includes: Community Impact Grants: Working with locally led community organisations to develop and deliver a program of support to strengthen community networks, capabilities and facilities that support drought preparedness (delivered by FRRR); and Community Leadership Activities: Supporting community members to develop their leadership skills to contribute to drought resilience in their community (delivered by ARLF).

Closed: 26/09/2022

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
DGR status required? No

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Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative – Small Network Grants

Small Network Grants are available to community organisations in regional and rural Australia to develop and deliver one-off events or initiatives to strengthen community networks and capabilities that build drought preparedness. The Small Network Grants will fund networks, community events, training initiatives, community infrastructure, development and learning initiatives that assist local people and communities to strengthen social capital and capability to prepare for future droughts. Grants are available in: – Stream 1: Grants up to a maximum of $20,000; or – Stream 2: Grants up to a maximum of $50,000 (dependent on location).

Closed: 26/03/2024

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
DGR status required? No

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Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative – Small Networks Grants

Small Network Grants are now available to community organisations in regional and rural Australia to develop and deliver one-off events or initiatives to strengthen community networks and capabilities that build drought preparedness. The Small Networks Grants will fund networks, community events, training initiatives, community infrastructure, development and learning initiatives that assist local people and communities to strengthen social capital and capability to prepare for future droughts. Two streams of grants are available via two rounds: – Up to a maximum of $20,000; or – Up to a maximum of $50,000 (dependent on location).

Closed: 14/11/2023

DGR status required? No

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Highways and Byways Small Grants Program

Grants up to $4,000 will be available for practical environmental restoration and rehabilitation projects, and community-focused initiatives that encourage community re-connection and strengthening post-pandemic. We are also keen to foster Indigenous identity and cultural connections. Highways and Byways support people and communities experiencing hardship and disadvantage, especially in rural Australia.

Closed: 15/03/2023

Highways and Byways
DGR status required? No

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Highways and Byways Small Grants Program

Grants up to $4,000 are available to community organisations for environmentally focused projects, projects that encourage community connection and initiatives that foster Indigenous identity and cultural connections.

Closed: 15/03/2024

Highways and Byways
DGR status required? No

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IGNITION Sponsorships

$1,000 sponsorships are available to help a Charity/NFP start projects that provide essential resources, support, and opportunities for vulnerable women and children. DGR status is required (member Centres are eligible through the ANHCA Public Fund).

Closed: 28/06/2024

EEO Specialists
DGR status required? Yes

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Impact100 Grants

Grants of $100,000 are available for initiatives that make a significant and measurable difference to an under-served cause or population in WA. DGR status required.

Closed: 9/05/2024

DGR status required? Yes

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Improve Your Health Grants

Applications are now open for Improve Your Health grants of up to $5,000 (plus GST) for the delivery of community-based falls prevention projects throughout March to May 2023. Improve Your Health is one part of the Move Improve Remove messaging used to encourage older adults to stay active, independent, and prevent falls. An individual’s diet, medication intake, and cognitive ability can influence an individual’s falls risk and maintaining overall health and wellbeing is essential for healthy ageing. Improve Your Health looks at simple changes which can improve a person’s health and wellbeing, focusing on the following modifiable risk factors for falls.

Closed: 14/10/2022

Stay On Your Feet
DGR status required? No

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Improve Your Health grants

Applications are now open for Improve Your Health grants of up to $5,000 (plus GST) for the delivery of community-based falls prevention projects in Western Australia throughout September-November 2024. Improve Your Health is one part of the Move Improve Remove messaging that encourages older adults to stay active, independent, and prevent falls. Improve Your Health looks at simple changes which can improve a person’s health and wellbeing, focusing on nutrition, cognition, and medication management. Grants are open to community groups and not-for-profit organisations, health and community workers working with older adults, retirement and lifestyle villages, physiotherapy clinics and local governments.

Closed: 31/05/2024

Injury Matters
DGR status required? No

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Improving Health Outcomes for Priority Populations of Women and Girls – Health Promotion Activities

This grant is to support innovative approaches to trialling new initiatives, or expanding existing health promotion activities that focus on improving health literacy, reducing risk, and improving health outcomes for all women and girls, particularly those at greatest risk of poor health.

Closed: 16/02/2024

Department of Health and Aged Care
DGR status required? No

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In a Good Place (IAGP)

The In a Good Place program gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of community-driven projects, services, activities or initiatives, which clearly and directly focus on strengthening mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable community members who are at risk of, or are experiencing, mental health issues.

Closed: 7/06/2023

Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR)
DGR status required? No

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In a Good Place (IAGP)

The In a Good Place program gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of community-driven projects, services, activities or initiatives, which clearly and directly focus on strengthening mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable community members who are at risk of, or are experiencing, mental health issues.

Closed: 30/04/2024

DGR status required? No

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Inclusive Employment Grants

Westpac Foundation’s Inclusive Employment Grant, valued at $50,000 over two years, aims to support community organisations and social enterprises creating jobs and training opportunities for those facing complex barriers to employment. These organisations must be currently earning revenue through trade, want to strengthen their business model and build greater financial resilience and sustainability in delivering their social mission. DGR status required, and make sure to read the grant guidelines for annual revenue requirements.

Closed: 20/05/2024

Westpac Foundation
DGR status required? Yes

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Indigenous Languages and Arts Program Grant

The Indigenous Languages and Arts Program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to express, preserve and maintain their cultures through Indigenous languages and arts activities. This open competitive grant opportunity is designed to support one-off Indigenous languages and arts projects.

Closed: 12/03/2024

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications an
DGR status required? No

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International Day of People with Disability Event Grants

Through a Department of Communities Grant, DDWA is offering sponsorship of up to $1000 to support organisations and groups to hold inclusive community events or activities on or around the 3rd December for International Day of People with Disability 2023. Celebrated annually throughout the world on the 3rd December, the recognition day aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.

Closed: 22/09/2023

Developmental Disability WA, Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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LGBTIQA+ Youth Empowerment Grant

The Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) introduces the LGBTIQA+ Youth Empowerment Grants program supported by the Department of Communities to deliver support and inclusion services for LGBTIQA+ young people, through increased representation, engagement, and participation with decision-making. The Grant program will enable YACWA to provide financial support for amounts between $2,000 – $25,000 to support organisations specialising in the delivery of empowering programs for LGBTIQA+ young people aged 10-25 years.

Closed: 16/12/2022

YACWA, Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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Marketing and Promotion of Volunteering in WA Grants

Funding of up to $5,000 will be available to volunteer service organisations and local governments, supporting local solutions that actively promote the value of volunteering to the local community. Grants can be used for marketing and promotion activities that promote the value of volunteering to a local community, which could include the design and development of resources or marketing strategies, awareness raising activities, matching services and providing information online and via social media.

Closed: 30/09/2022

Department of Communities, Volunteering WA
DGR status required? No

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Marsh Community Grant

Jobs Australia is thrilled to announce that Marsh is inviting Jobs Australia Members to apply for the $5000.00 Marsh Community Grant. Marsh supports Jobs Australia Members who provide diverse employment services and pathways, education, training and skills development and community and social services.

Closed: 12/08/2022

DGR status required? No

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Marsh Community Grant

This initiative offers a $5,000 grant to sow seeds of positive change within their community. The project/program you are seeking funding for must have an objective that is aligned with the Jobs Australia vision – A connected, influential, and informed membership reducing social disadvantage in our community. This grant is only available to Jobs Australia members.

Closed: 31/10/2023

Marsh, Jobs Australia
DGR status required? No

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Mental Awareness Foundation Grant Program

This program aims to support grass-root charities and organisations in the mental health area. Grants from $5,000 - $25,000 are available. DGR status required.

Closed: 24/04/2024

Mental Awareness Foundation
DGR status required? Yes

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NAIDOC 2023 Local Grants

Grants are available for activities to be held during NAIDOC Week (2 – 9 July 2023) by Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and community organisations across Australia. The funding will provide assistance towards the cost of organised activities. Previous grants have generally been for amounts between $200 and $1,000 (GST exclusive). Activities must align with the 2023 NAIDOC theme For our Elders and celebrate First Nations’ histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and society.

Closed: 17/02/2023

National Indigenous Australians Agency
DGR status required? No

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National Road Safety Week Events Grants

Applications are now open for event grants to encourage local communities to get involved and champion road safety when Western Australia hosts National Road Safety Week 2023. The Road Safety Commission and the RAC have partnered to provide $90,000 in funding for the events to be held between 14-21 May 2023.

Closed: 12/12/2022

Road Safety Commission
DGR status required? No

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National Science Week Grants 2024

The National Science Week Grants 2024 provide individuals and organisations with grants of between $2,000 and $20,000 to support the delivery of science engagement activities during National Science Week 2024 (10 to 18 August 2024), Australia’s major national celebration of science.

Closed: 11/12/2023

Department of Industry, Science and Resources
DGR status required? No

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National Volunteer Week Grants

Volunteering WA, with generous support from Lotterywest, is offering volunteer involving organisations across Western Australia the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $1,000 to organise an event or activity to recognise and thank volunteers during National Volunteer Week (Monday 15 - Sunday 21 May 2023).

Closed: 5/03/2023

Volunteering WA and Lotterywest
DGR status required? No

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National Volunteer Week Grants

Volunteering WA, with generous support from Lotterywest is offering volunteer involving organisations across Western Australia the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $1,500 to organise an event or activity which recognises and thanks volunteers during National Volunteer Week (Monday 20 - Sunday 26 May 2024).

Closed: 18/02/2024

Volunteering WA
DGR status required? No

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Next Chapter Innovation

Through Next Chapter Innovation, CommBank want to support organisations to deliver innovative projects over a 12-month period, which help victim-survivors of domestic violence and financial abuse in their long-term recovery. Next Chapter Innovation is an opportunity for not-for-profit and established social enterprise organisations to apply to become a Next Chapter Innovation Partner, to receive $50,000, $100,000 or $200,000 in funding as well as a range of other support. (Must be an ACNC registered charity OR hold a current Social Traders Certification.)

Closed: 25/08/2023

DGR status required? No

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Next Gen Arts Grant

Grants of up to $3,000 are available for arts activities commencing after 1 July 2024 (Round 1), and after 1 October 2024 (Round 2). Activities must be completed by 30 June 2025. Applications to this program can be submitted by regional local governments, arts organisations, youth centres and other organisations who can demonstrate that there is demand from the target group (12-18 year olds) for arts projects within regional WA. Next Gen Arts aims to increase access to quality youth arts activities, support employment of regional artists, grow arts connections between regions and add to the liveability of regional communities. Activities designed for and/or by young people aged 12-18, for example as part of a school holiday program or an after school/weekend workshop series. These activities could include art workshops, masterclasses, community events, or productions across any artform.

Closed: 24/05/2024

Regional Arts WA
DGR status required? No

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Next Level Fellowships

Next Level Fellowships are available to support young regional artists and arts workers to build skills so they can develop and sustain an arts career. Applicants can apply for $8,000 to support creative activity and professional development for a period of one year. This program is open to applicants from regional and remote Western Australia aged between 18-26. Applicants can be an individual, or a small group of creative collaborators (e.g. a music band, dance group). You can apply for a range of different activities! All art forms are eligible, including (but not limited to) visual arts, theatre, dance, writing, music, film, new media and cultural projects.

Closed: 13/06/2024

Regional Arts WA
DGR status required? No

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Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program

Applications for grants of up to $5,000 are available for eligible community organisations in rural and regional Australia. The Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program is run in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR). The annual program funds projects that contribute to the success, resilience and well-being of the rural and regional communities in which we operate.

Closed: 12/08/2022

Nutrien Ag Solutions
DGR status required? No

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Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program

Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants is a small grants program aiming to contribute to the success, vibrancy and wellbeing of rural and regional communities nationwide. Nutrien Ag Solutions seeks to support local grassroots organisations with funding for projects that are meaningful for their communities. Interested organisations are required to first contact a Nutrien Ag Solutions branded store Branch Manager to be endorsed. More information is provided in the grant guidelines.

Closed: 10/08/2023

Nutrien Ag Solutions
DGR status required? No

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Pay it Forward grants

The Pay it Forward Plan (PIF) is a ConnectGroups’ small grants program available to peer Support Group members. The objective of PIF is to be a mental health/SEWB early intervention and prevention initiative to: • Empower peer Support Groups to achieve positive mental health/SEWB outcomes for their members • Contribute to the prevention of mental distress and/or illness, and the recovery of mental health/SEWB for peer Support Group members, families and/or carers • Further peer Support Groups’ mental health/SEWB supports to their members • Promote good mental health/SEWB • Encourage peer Support Groups’ mission, governance, and sustainability Grants of up to $10,000 are available for your project within the funding categories of capacity building and sustainability, marketing and promotion, information technology, or customised projects.

Closed: 23/03/2023

DGR status required? No

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Pay it Forward Grants

The Pay it Forward Plan (PIF) is a ConnectGroups’ small grants program available to peer Support Group members. The objective of PIF is to be a mental health early intervention and prevention initiative. Grants of up to $15,000 are available for your project within funding categories of capacity building and sustainability, marketing and promotion, information technology, or customised projects.

Closed: 1/09/2023

Connect Groups
DGR status required? No

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Pay it Forward Grants

The Pay it Forward Plan (PIF) is a ConnectGroups’ small grants program available to peer Support Group members. The objective of PIF is to be a mental health early intervention and prevention initiative to: - Empower peer Support Groups to achieve positive mental health/social and emotional wellbeing outcomes for their members - Contribute to the prevention of mental distress and/or illness, and the recovery of mental health/social and emotional wellbeing for peer Support Group members, families and/or carers - Further peer Support Groups’ mental health/social and emotional wellbeing supports to their members - Promote good mental health/social and emotional wellbeing - Encourage peer Support Groups’ mission, governance, and sustainability

Closed: 15/03/2024

DGR status required? No

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Project-based Volunteer Management Activity Grant

Volunteering WA seeks to fund successful projects, through a process of application and panel review, that aim to provide/develop activities/support/resources to help break down barriers to volunteering faced by one or more of the six identified priority groups. This must occur by supporting volunteer managers and volunteer involving organisations to build their capacity to engage and support priority group volunteers in a meaningful and respectful manner.

Closed: 18/04/2023

Volunteering WA
DGR status required? No

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Purple Bench Micro Grants

16 micro grants of $300+GST to assist members to sponsor a Purple Bench at their Centre. Linkwest member Centres can use these micro grants to assist with the cost of materials to transform an existing bench, or to subsidise the cost of purchasing a new bench. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Only current CRC Package and Neighbourhood Centre members of Linkwest who have not previously been awarded a Purple Bench Micro Grant are eligible to apply.

Closed: 7/06/2024

Linkwest, EEO Equal Opportunity Specialists, Loftus Community Centre
DGR status required? No

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Purple Bench Micro Grants Program

16 micro grants of $300+GST to assist members to sponsor a Purple Bench at their Centre. In the 2022 – 2023 financial year, Linkwest is once again offering purple bench micro grants. This time we are delighted to offer grants of $300+GST and the grant money is possible thanks to the generosity of: - Loftus Community Centre (Loftus was a member of Linkwest for 40 years and sadly closed leaving the remaining money to Linkwest for this grant program) - EEO Equal Opportunity Specialists - Linkwest Linkwest member Centres can use these micro grants to assist with the cost of materials to transform an existing bench, or to subsidise the cost of purchasing a new bench. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Only current CRC Comprehensive and Neighbourhood Centre members of Linkwest who have not previously been awarded a Purple Bench Micro Grant are eligible to apply.

Closed: 28/04/2023

Loftus Community Centre, EEO Equal Opportunity Specialists, and Linkwest
DGR status required? No

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Qantas Regional Grants

The Qantas Regional Grants program is back, offering $10 million in support over five years to Australian-based communities and projects that are looking to benefit our country's regional areas.

Closed: 10/05/2023

DGR status required? No

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Qantas Regional Grants

The Qantas Regional Grants program is offering $2 million in support to Australian-based communities and projects that are looking to benefit our country's regional areas.

Closed: 10/05/2024

DGR status required? No

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RAC Connecting Communities Fund

Each year, RAC supports metropolitan and regional communities to achieve more vibrant streets and public spaces, and has supported more than 50 communities over the past five years. This year, RAC is seeking expressions of interest from WA local community groups and local governments, with eligible projects able to receive up to $25,000 per expression of interest. EOIs close at 11.59pm on Sunday, 17 September 2023.

Closed: 17/09/2023

DGR status required? No

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Rebuilding Regional Communities

From February 2022 until February 2024, a special funding stream to support communities adversely affected by the COVID pandemic is available in partnership with the Australian Government. Thanks to the Australian Government, funding is available in remote, rural and regional areas in all States and Territories. A total of $5 million will be provided nationally from 2022 to 2024 through two funding tiers: - Grants up to $10,000 (always open) for communities with fewer than 50,000 people; and - Grants up to $50,000 (no longer available)

Closed: 26/02/2024

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
DGR status required? No

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Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants

The RED Grants program is a State Government initiative that invests in locally driven projects that support efforts to create long-term economic growth and job sustainability in our regions. Eligible applicants can apply for funding for individual projects that contribute to increasing or sustaining jobs, expanding or diversifying industry, developing skills or capability, increasing business productivity and attracting new investment to the regions.

Closed: 26/06/2024

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
DGR status required? No

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Remove Hazards grants

The Remove Hazards campaign and grants focus on important information for older adults to remove hazards and create a safe home environment and look after their eyes and feet to prevent falls and promote healthy ageing. Grants of up to $5,000 (plus GST) are available and will fund projects running between 1 September and 30 November 2023.

Closed: 25/05/2023

Stay On Your Feet
DGR status required? No

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Road Safety Community Grants Program

The Road Safety Community Grant Program supports the development and implementation of sustainable projects and one-off community activities that assist in promoting road safety across the state through the Road Trauma Trust Account (RTTA). There are three types of available grants: - community based events (Up to $5,000); - community based projects (Up to $25,000); and - National Road Safety Week 2024 events and yellow lighting activations (up to $5,000).

Closed: 8/03/2024

Road Safety Commission
DGR status required? No

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Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Program

The Australian Government is inviting organisations via an open process to apply to deliver services under Program 2.3 Refugee Humanitarian Settlement and Migrant Services in the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Program from 2024 to 2027. The purpose of the SETS program is to equip and empower humanitarian entrants, other vulnerable migrants and their communities, with the knowledge and tools to address their settlement needs in order to improve social and economic participation, and community connectedness. The program focuses on building independence, self-agency, self-efficacy, and personal well-being.

Closed: 6/12/2023

Department of Home Affairs
DGR status required? No

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Social Justice Small Grants

The Mercy Foundation’s Social Justice Small Grants Program provides seed funding to assist communities and organisations to build capacity that will help create structural change and bring about greater social justice in Australia. Funding under this program ranges between $1,000 to $10,000 per organisation. The area of focus for the 2023 Social Justice Small Grants program is Respect: confronting violence and abuse.

Closed: 13/03/2023

Mercy Foundation
DGR status required? No

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SOCK Week 2023

Funding of up to $1,250 will be available for eligible organisations to host activities during SOCK Week 2023 (26 June – 2 July 2023). SOCK stands for ‘Save Our Country Kids’ and is a road safety initiative created by the Narembeen CRC. SOCK week is a week long campaign of education on road safety and the impact poor decision making can have within a small community. SOCK Week is held annually in the last week of June and facilitates a number of activities and events that are designed to be informative as well as engaging.

Closed: 21/04/2023

Narembeen CRC
DGR status required? No

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SOCK Week 2024 Grants

Funding of up to $1,250 will be available for eligible organisations to host activities during Save Our County Kids (SOCK) Week 2024, held on 24 June – 30 June 2024.

Closed: 5/04/2024

Narembeen CRC
DGR status required? No

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Sponsorship for International Day of People with Disability Events

Through a grant from the WA Department of Communities, Developmental Disability WA is offering funds to support organisations and groups to hold inclusive community events or activities on or around the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December 2022. International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations observed day aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. The Australian Government has been supporting IDPwD since 1996 and provides funds to promote and raise awareness of the day and support activities around Australia. Sponsorship of up to $1000 is available for organisations to deliver community events or activities, including: disability festivals, sporting events, disability forums, workshops, seminars, award ceremonies; and art, music, dance and other cultural events.

Closed: 24/10/2022

Department of Communities, Developmental Disability WA
DGR status required? No

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Streets Alive Grants Program

Town Team Movement, in partnership with the State Government, Main Roads WA and the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA), have launched the new Streets Alive program. The program provides $5 million over 5 years for capacity building and support for eligible community organisations and local governments for projects designed to calm traffic on local roads in urban areas across Western Australia. The first step offers potential ‘seed’ grants of up to $5,000 incl. GST in all towns and neighbourhoods across WA for eligible community groups. The project ideas can include traffic calming initiatives and community-led activations, such as: road murals, active transport infrastructure, street furniture, parklets, planter boxes, community gardens, street art, pop-up libraries and street parties.

Closed: 5/06/2024

Town Team Movement
DGR status required? No

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Strengthening Early Years

The Strengthening Early Years National Open Grant Round is a partnership between Paul Ramsay Foundation and Australian Communities Foundation. The Strengthening Early Years Program by the Paul Ramsay Foundation aims to support families and children to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive upon school entry. In particular, we recognise the critical importance of the developmental period between conception and age two. Equally, we need to also ensure that parents are well supported to flourish during the early years of their child’s life. To do this, Paul Ramsay Foundation seeks to source, seed and support ‘promising programs’ that are working with families with children aged prenatal to two years old. One mechanism for achieving this is through the National Open Grant Round described in these guidelines. One of the primary objectives of this nationwide open grant round is to extend PRF’s reach into communities with which the Foundation does not have a long history of partnering. Recipient organisations must be Australian charities registered with the ACNC.

Closed: 21/09/2022

Australian Communities Foundation, Paul Ramsay Foundation
DGR status required? No

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Strengthening Rural Communities: Rebuilding Regional Communities

The Strengthening Rural Communities Rebuilding Regional Communities stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities. The objectives of the program are to:  - Enhance the process of recovery of remote, rural and regional communities from the COVID-19 pandemic; - Reduce social isolation and foster stronger, more resilient remote, rural and regional communities; and/or - Sustain local remote, rural and regional organisations and their work. This is the final round for the Rebuilding Regional Communities Program.

Closed: 26/02/2024

DGR status required? No

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Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply to deliver projects under the Family and Communities Program’s Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities grant round from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025. These grants aim to support equity and opportunity for Australian communities through local community-driven solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment. Strong and Resilient Communities – Inclusive Communities grants will support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities by providing funding that supports: - the development of young people aged 12 to 18 years who are, or are at risk of, being disengaged, marginalised and having limited engagement with education/training - people with disabilities and/or mental health issues to participate in their community, and work towards becoming and/or remaining independent and engaged - vulnerable women who experience, or are at risk of, isolation or discrimination, to participate in their community and increase their sense of self agency and empowerment - people who are unemployed to address individual barriers to social and economic participation and employment by increasing their capacity for engagement with existing employment, community supports, and training services, as they work towards gaining meaningful employment.

Closed: 3/11/2022

Department of Social Services
DGR status required? No

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Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply to deliver projects under the Family and Communities Program: Strong and Resilient Communities Activity – Inclusive Communities Grants – Round 3 grant opportunity from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026. These grants aim to support equity and opportunity for Australian communities through local community-driven solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment.

Closed: 20/02/2024

Department of Social Services
DGR status required? No

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Supporting Stronger Communities Grants

This grant program gives Centres the opportunity to access funds to target poverty and disadvantage in their local communities through a partnership between the Sidney Myer Fund and the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA). These grants provide up to $10,000 each for projects which tackle poverty and disadvantage in local communities. So far, over 100 Centres across Australia have received them to deliver important initiatives. The grants are aimed at Centres in towns or cities with a population of more than 15,000 people. Only Neighbourhood Centres and CRC Package holders that meet the population criteria can apply.

Closed: 28/09/2023

Sidney Myer Fund and ANHCA
DGR status required? No

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Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program

Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program will boost support for communities across remote, rural and regional Australia to improve resilience, environmental sustainability and liveability through the power of connection. The program offers grants up to $10,000 for not-for-profit community organisations that are providing access to information, technology, education and facilities to support their communities to embrace new technologies and ways of working to build social capital and digital capability. Round 1 opens 1 March 2023.

Closed: 30/03/2023

Telstra and FRRR
DGR status required? No

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Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program

The program offers grants up to $10,000 for not-for-profit community organisations that are providing access to information, technology, education and facilities to support their communities to embrace new technologies and ways of working to build social capital and digital capability.

Closed: 27/03/2024

DGR status required? No

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Thank a Volunteer Day Grants

International Volunteer Day, known as Thank a Volunteer Day in WA, is held each year on 5 December. The Department of Communities delivers the Thank a Volunteer Day Grants Program which offers grants of up to $1,000 for organisations to host volunteer recognition events and activities to celebrate International Volunteer Day.

Closed: 11/07/2024

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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Thank A Volunteer Day Grants Program

Grants of up to $1,000 are available for community organisations to host events or activities occurring between 2 – 8 December 2023 in celebration of volunteers for International Volunteer Day (5 December 2023).

Closed: 27/07/2023

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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Variety Community Grants

Variety Community Grants assist organisations working directly with WA kids who live with sickness, disadvantage and disability by providing equipment to support inclusion, education, independence and joy.

Closed: 23/07/2023

DGR status required? No

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Veteran Wellbeing Grants (VWG) Program

The VWG Program provides funding for ex-service organisations (ESOs) to undertake projects and activities that sustain or enhance health and social wellbeing, build community capacity, potentially expand on existing projects and raise awareness of important issues faced by the veteran community. Note that this grant is only open to ex-service organisations or to Centres that are in a consortium with an ex-service organisation. This may be an opportunity to partner with a local RSL or similar in your region.

Closed: 23/01/2024

Department of Veterans' Affairs
DGR status required? No

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WA Bike Month Grants

As part of WA Bike Month 2023, a total of $75,000 in grant funding is available to local governments, workplaces, schools, bike groups and community organisations to host events that support and inspire people to give bike riding a go.

Closed: 30/06/2023

Department of Transport
DGR status required? No

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WA Bike Month grants

Taking place in October each year, WA Bike Month aims to promote and encourage people of all ages and abilities to ride bikes for transport, fun and a healthier lifestyle. WA Bike Month has run for over 30 years and continues to be valued by local governments and communities across metropolitan and regional WA. Grant funding is available to local governments, workplaces, schools, bike groups and community organisations to host events that support and inspire people to give bike riding a go.

Closed: 30/06/2024

Department of Transport
DGR status required? No

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WA Seniors Week Community Grants

WA Seniors Week 2022 is a special time of celebration for Western Australian seniors. From the 6-13 November 2022, events and activities are held across Western Australia to acknowledge seniors and show our appreciation for their valued contribution to the community. Grants of up to $1,000 are available to local governments, registered not for profit organisations and community groups (or up to $3,000 for a consortium) throughout the metropolitan, and in particular, rural and remote regions of Western Australia to support seniors, particularly those who experience disadvantage or isolation, to attend events and activities during Seniors Week 2022.

Closed: 9/09/2022

DGR status required? No

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WA Seniors Week Community Grants

WA Seniors Week 2022 is a special time of celebration for Western Australian seniors. From Sunday 12 to Sunday 19 November 2023, events and activities are held across Western Australia to acknowledge seniors and show our appreciation for their valued contribution to the community. Grants of up to $1,000 are available to local governments, registered not for profit organisations and community groups (or up to $3,000 for a consortium) throughout the metropolitan, and in particular, rural and remote regions of Western Australia to support seniors, particularly those who experience disadvantage or isolation, to attend events and activities during Seniors Week 2023.

Closed: 29/09/2023

Department of Communities, Lotterywest and COTA (WA)
DGR status required? No

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WA Youth Engagement Grants Program

Funding for local governments and community service organisations to implement projects that engage young people aged 10 to 25 years in creative ways to help achieve positive outcomes for young people in the community. Grants of up to $5,000 are available for short-term, one-off activities or initiatives of up to six months’ duration, and Grants of up to $10,000 for longer term, community-wide, strategic initiatives (6-12 months).

Closed: 2/02/2024

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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WasteSorted Community Education Grants

WasteSorted Community Education Grants provide funding of up to $25,000 per project to improve waste behaviour in ways that support the aims of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy). The waste strategy outlines objectives to avoid waste, recover more value and resources from waste, and protect the environment. Integral to this is supporting behaviour change work through communication, education and the development of better practice systems and processes.

Closed: 28/08/2023

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
DGR status required? No

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Westfund Community Grants Program

The Westfund Community Grants Program supports eligible eligible community groups and organisations that inspire the principles of Health and Wellbeing, Family and Community and Fit for Life. Grants of up to $3,000 are available.

Closed: 30/09/2023

DGR status required? No

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Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future

In 2022-23, the Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future program aims to support a wider range of initiatives through increased funding for projects and programs that advance gender equality and build a better, fairer and more equitable community in Western Australia. Projects or programs should address one or more of the following Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future program priority areas: - Safety and Justice - Women's Economic Independence - Health and Wellbeing - Women in Leadership

Closed: 23/11/2022

Department of Communities
DGR status required? No

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