
Need some inspiration for your next community building or engagement project? There are so many people and organisations doing amazing work in this field. We've collected a selection of inspiring examples and resources - including two videos from our own (and very inspiring!) WA neighbourhood and community centres network.

Enabling GiftsQuestions for Enabling Gifts


Some questions to help us grow our capacities to recognise, appreciate, draw forth and enable the giving and receiving of gifts: our own and other peoples.


YangebupCo-Design Yangebup Family Centre


Yangebup Family Centre was a Project Partner with the Co-design for Thriving Communities project in 2017.  

Watch the video

Bank of IdeasBank of Ideas


The Bank of Ideas website is a treasure trove of Asset Based projects, resources and connections. You can sign up to receive the Bank of Ideas newsletter at the BoI website.  

Visit the website

Inspiring CommuntiiesInspiring Communities


Inspiring Communities catalyses locally led change, working from a community led development model. Its website is full of stories to inspire community led work.   

Visit the website

 Appreciative Inquiry Commons Appreciative Inquiry Commons


The AI Commons is a great place to start in looking at the field of Appreciative Inquiry, the framework that underpins a lot of strengths based practice.    

Visit the website

KalannieCo-Design Kalannie


Kalannie CRC was a Project Partner with the Co-design for Thriving Communities project in 2017.   Here's a bit about what happened...

tedx Sustainable Community Development: Shifting the focus from what's wrong to what's strong.

TEDx Talk

Watch Cormac Russel's TEDx talk on Assed Based Community Development 2016 here.

The Nurturing Development Website is packed with Strengths Based theory and practice for community building. 

Sustaining Community Sustaining Community


Graham Stuart teaches strengths based community practice and runs a blog on all things family, community and the environment.

Check out this resource around community and stakeholder engagement.

Tamarack Institute Tamarack Institute


The website of this Canadian based institute offers a wealth of blogs, resources and news about community engagement, collaborative leadership and community innovation.    

Visit the website

ABCD Institute ABCD Institute


Check out the ABCD Institute Asset Based Community Development videos, podcasts and toolkit.    

Visit the website